Monday, November 29, 2010

Remember when

So remember when you were really good at stuff, then you got old. Of course I'm talking about me and the stupid hoola hoop. Yes I thought I had it figured out, I don't it's not like when your young. You know the old saying it's like riding a bike. Maybe that would be easier cause right now the hoola hoop and I are at odds with each other. 15 min. still not able to keep it going for more than a few seconds, but tomorrow I will feel it in all the right spots. So get off the couch and purchase one it's fun and you don't even know your working out til the next morning and everything hurts. It's good for you and again my daughter had some fun laughing at me. I'm not discouraged because I'm good at stuff I've conquered many impossibles. Not even sure where to start but I'm sure they are good. Tomorrow is the big day, we will call it The Day of The Pump. It will go down in history. I'm a little disappointed in myself though I just got black, could have picked anything I wanted and I went with black. Could it be symbolic because I am still in mourning of life past, or the fact that at work I'm only in black. I like the Mourning part it sounds more dramatic. Were in the wedding season so work is absolutely crazy starting tomorrow how will the pump affect all of this. I forget sometimes to even check my sugars then to eat is also forgotten. With the pump I will have insulin flowing through my body 24/7 just like when my pancreas actually worked, now I forgot what that will feel like. Could it possibly be I might want to get up in the morning on purpose. When I'm not working early that's my challenge. So tomorrow we'll see. This, I'll be good at, because I must!

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