Saturday, December 4, 2010

That didn't go as planned

So I slept like a rock the other night, I finally thought I found a place to put it, Wall-e of course. Anyhow I decided to put my sports bra on and put it right in the middle of it. Really it felt comfortable everything seemed tucked in tight. Well I slept like a rock sleeping on a rock. I woke up went to move had been sleeping on my stomach had Wall-e stuck tightly to my chest had to peel him off. Man don't you hate it when it doesn't go how you planned it, still trying. This actually reminds me of the spider who I just watched when I took a bath, he came out of no where but he knew where he was headed so he just kept climbing, but he could only go so far til he would fall all the way back down. He knew what his certain doom was as we all do as certain times in our life so what do we do keep moving up, no where to go really but down. So the sports bra thing didn't work who cares I just keep trying new stuff happy that my insulin is stuck to me so If there is something I want to eat now I can just look down at the sweet face hooked to my hip hit a few buttons and enjoy a snack. Of course don't get too excited I'm still not dosing right and my lows keep happening but I keep moving up. Only because I know what my certain doom is!

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